简介:故事分成三個章節:主要的章節由高達親自飾演導演,正要趕乘飛機,在24小時內把一部電影的菲林交給監製;同時一隊二人流行電子音樂組合,不斷排練歌曲,最後在路上表演;另一邊廂,愚笨的大肥佬捲入一宗事件,被神秘女人密切監視,最後更被拘捕。三段故事看似毫無關連,實際是高達以電影來討論電影製作和藝術創作的重要。片名看似帶有弦外之音,就像高達暗示,假如監製或其他人要干擾導演的藝術創作,就索性我行我素,忠於自己的道路好了。這大概亦示範了高達如何純熟地運用電影媒體來做評論。 A film in three chapters: Godard plays the director in the main chapter, rushing to catch a plane to pass the negatives to his producer within 24 hours; an electronic duo keeps rehearsing for their roadshow; a clumsy fat man gets involved in an incident, and is arrested after being watched by a mysterious woman. Seemingly unrelated events, Godard is discussing the importance of film producer and artistic creativity. Godard is making the statement that if a producer or anyone interferes with creativity, it is better for the artist to go one's own way. A showpiece of how Godard uses the film media as his critical essay.
简介:Though he works as a hostel warden, there is more to Kaali than meets the eye. Things take an interesting turn when Kaali's path crosses with a group of dreaded gangsters.
简介:在一个弥漫着不祥气息的夜晚,约翰(彼得·穆尼 Peter Mooney 饰)和莎拉(泰勒·席林 Taylor Schilling 饰)迎来了家庭的新成员,与此同时在世界的另一个角落,某个冷血杀人狂遭受警方枪击,倒在血泊之中。此后不久,莎拉发现她这个有着异色瞳的儿子迈尔斯具有远超出同龄人的智慧,她为此兴奋不已,一门心思以天才的方式培养儿子。可是随着儿子年龄的长大,种种异相接二连三在迈尔斯的身上发生。他会在梦中用匈牙利语咒骂他人,会以残酷凶狠的手段殴打同学,他眼神中透露出来的冷酷凶残令约翰、莎拉夫妇站立不安。 从他人口中得知,迈尔斯体内有可能住着另一个人的灵魂,而那个灵魂以残杀嗜血为乐……
简介:A teachers' world is turned upside down when her husband, a successful headmaster, is caught embezzling from their own school. Did he do this of his own free will - or has his personality been altered by the tumor lurking in his brain? As the teacher is assisting an attorney in providing a legal defense, recent neuroscience forces her to rethink who her husband really is.